The Notion Economy —5 Ways to Leverage the Power of Notion for Business

Rae ☀️
3 min readJan 26, 2022

Notion has become a buzz name in the productivity space over the last two years and with good reason. From a scheduling tool to a cookbook, there isn’t much the lego-like building tool can’t do. In 2020, Notion received a company evaluation totalling $2million USD and by the end of 2021 was re-evaluated for $10billion USD after securing $275million in funding! I’m bad at math, but that’s one hell of an increase.

The reason for Notion’s popularity is often said to be a combination of unique remote work needs and internet culture coming in clutch over the pandemic. Although these two factors most certainly boosted Notion’s reach, the Notion creator community can all agree that it’s not just clout that makes Notion the hottest productivity app on the scene.

Here are just some of the many reasons Notion is a must in your productivity ecosystem:

  • streamline your tech stack (saving money for bootstrapping startups)
  • easy collaboration, cloud usage, no-coding knowledge needed
  • can be used for any part of your business from marketing, organisation, SOP dashboards, distribution and even building the products themselves.

It’s all of that but it’s so much more. Notion successfully positioned itself as a programme for both professional and personal use and has organically begun to gain a natural cult following. Following this demand, a community of makers and shakers re-defining its position in the tech space have begun to create a whole new range of jobs and potential side incomes centred around Notion. In this video, Frances, a certified Notion coach, goes into the different kinds of people who capitalise off of Notion and explains the opportunities available in the space. She iterates that Notion is not simply a productivity or scheduling platform. It’s a product machine empowering an almost limitless potential for usage in different business models.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Notion economy and its possibilities, I highly recommend you watch her talk below:

In the video, Frances outlines four kinds of people using Notion as a core element to their business:

  • The Makers — template/product builders. These people use Notion itself to power products and ‘user-cases’
  • The Experts — people who do custom builds and teach Notion usage
  • The Devs — the coders who can make tools to elevate Notion usage
  • The Content Creators — creators who utilise Notion (and the buzz around it) to elevate their own personal brands & offers.

In addition to these 4 categories, I’d like to add my own favourite usage of Notion to the conversation: Distribution for Freelancers & Solopreneurs.

If you have an existing platform or business or are looking to get into freelancing, Notion is the best investment (or non-investment, as it’s free) for the job. Previously, the delivery of digital products was limited to pdf & packaged zip files that needed a lot of time investment to make sure everything was clear and easy to use after the client had received it. There’s also the design element, that may take a bit more effort to brand and make come together with each new product or downloadable.

Now with Notion, you can place your brand messaging, instructions for usage, downloadable files and more, in a simple and easily navigatable landing page specifically for your purchasing clients.

For my start-up Gladly Global, I use Notion to package each and every final interaction with buyers and it has significantly elevated the level of my brand. Here’s an example of what the deliverable page for our study resource tracker printable:

I believe that Notion is one of, if not the most, powerful tools to bring smaller companies and projects into bigger playing fields to compete with larger brands.

Are you using Notion? If so, how? If not, why not? Leave a comment down below

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Rae ☀️

global citizen who loves empowering human-centred, *nonlinear* lifestyles // productivity & personal dev // polyglot, creator, coach & chronic illness warrior